
Harri Francis: Insects

To see more of Harri’s work and to learn about the project, click here!


“s’mag is an intersectional feminist magazine based at the University of Warwick. We have two goals in mind; the first being to educate people (and ourselves) on the social, political, and economic nuances of intersectional feminism. The second is to create a community of individuals who share a common goal.”

I illustrated an essay on the streotype of “boy-crazy” teenage girls for one of the writters.

Presentation Illustrations

Presentation for Numis intern presentation for community outreach. The client wanted some illustations to add to their presentation to make it less intimidating and corporate. 

“CHRISTMAS VISUALS”: Used secular imagery so comply to their diverifying aim for the presentation.

“COLLABORATION VISUALS”: Simple imagery that is easily understood such as hands and lightbulbs.